Korea Research Center

What is our “Digital Humanities for Korean Studies” project about?

  1. Research

Our ultimate focus is on “humanities.”
Thus, we see the available applications and programs as something that ultimately remains “auxiliary”. Programming, coding, and engineering lie outside our ambit and should be left to others, by way of division of labor. Availing ourselves of an already existing rich toolbox for help, we have no intention to ignore, bypass or denigrate established “analogue” research methods. Sound research in the humanities is fundamentally based on good interpretations and critical ability in the first place, after all, and there is no tool that could or should take this responsibility out of our hands. Also, we also are interested in questions of how digitalization affects, alters, or continues cultural phenomena. Moreover, we support any Koreanist research in the wider region (mostly the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria), on graduation thesis level and beyond, that makes use of DH tools.

  1. Education

We sharpen the profile and the international appeal of our “MA in Asian Studies with specialization in Korean language and culture” by training students to apply digital humanities skills.
In our new courses (“Learning Camps”), we equip students and staff (not only of Olomouc but of the wider region) with digital humanities tools. These skills are not taught in abstract ways, however, but always integrated with Korean studies scholarship.

An interview of project director Andreas Schirmer for the KSPS Newsletter. For the KSPS Newsletter click here or the PDF here.